Nova City Villains: Black Cobra

Serpentine Supervillain Leaves Heroes Hypnotized…

Nova City Villains presents Black Cobra. This mesmerizing cult leader commands a legion of assassins, thanks to her hypnotic gaze and mind control powers. But its her ability to stretch and contort her body that will really put the squeeze on your game’s heroes. And once Black Cobra has them trapped in her elastic embrace, there’s no escape…

Each volume of Nova City Villains presents GM’s with a ready-made super villain or villain team to use in their games, including full stats, powers, history, tactics, and adventure ideas to introduce them to your players. These villains operate in the fictional metropolis of Nova City, but GM’s will have no trouble using them in any city or setting of their choice. 

There’s even a 3D paper mini you can cut out and fold together yourself. So what are you waiting for? Nova City’s got a villain problem… Are your heroes up for the challenge?

From Blue Dragon Games. Available at DrivethruRPG for Supers! Revised Edition and Advanced FASERIP

Book Categories: All and Nova City Villains.